Oriented Specification System
Pieter Hintjens,a
(a) Digistan
Pieter Hintjens tells the story of COSS (the Consensus-Oriented Specification System), a toolkit for emerging digital standards. COSS gives workgroups the tools to develop new digital standards with minimum bureaucracy. COSS is a product of the Digital Standard Organization (Digistan), which the FFII open standards workgroup founded with other participants in 2007. In this article he explains why Digistan built COSS and how it works.
Law; information technology; Free and Open Source Software
This item is part of the Platform section of IFOSS L. Rev. For more information, please consult the relevant section policies statement. This article has been independently peer-reviewed.
Standards are essential to any industry. By acting as contracts for interoperability, standards free customers to choose among suppliers. Standards thus create competition among suppliers that forces those suppliers to improve quality and/or reduce prices. By slowing and stopping disruptive innovation in layers where it is no longer needed, standards allow layering of new industry segments on top of old ones. For example, wiring and voltage standards for electricity underpin the business of selling electrical appliances, and standards for shipping containers massively increase the efficiency of the logistics and transport industries.
Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) has been described by some - mainly proprietary software businesses -- as a "business model". That seems inaccurate. Most collaborative projects have no initial business plan beyond "1. Popularity, 2. ???, 3. Profit!" but many succeed nonetheless. It is more useful to view FOSS as a social/legal technology for software development. Every FOSS community depends on a contract that encourages or forces participants big and small to share their knowledge and work. Perhaps as importantly, end-users are brought into the social contract. Giving end-users the ability to inspect, improve, and if necessary, fork the source code means that they can help steer the direction of development. This happens even in small FOSS projects, if end-users get involved early on. Decisions about whether or not to add new features are more accurate when users are involved in the process.
The supplier of a commercial product facing FOSS competition may arbitrarily change interfaces, file formats, protocols and such, to deny interoperability and thus keep customers captive. The classic example is the format for Microsoft Office documents, which started changing in each release of the software, when open source competitors began to accurately read and write files in that format. When these interfaces, file formats, and protocols are documented and freely usable, customers have a means by which to demand compatibility from the supplier. Without a written specification, the implied contract provides "compatibility with previous versions" at best, and suppliers can always introduce change under the excuse of "innovation." With a written specification, the implied contract becomes "compatibility with the specification."
Thus, properly written specifications of interfaces and formats (even without the backing of a formal standards body and even without cooperation of all vendors) are a key part of allowing FOSS teams to compete in scale with entrenched vendors. Even within a single FOSS project, documented specifications for interfaces, protocols, and formats create contracts between developers who may work far apart in space or time.
The first “Requests for Comments” (RFCs)blished 30 years ago, were small software specifications that solved specific pieces of a vast decade-long puzzle: how to build a global computer network available to all at a cost approaching zero. These RFCs were built by small teams, often just one or two people, using a modest process based on peer review and rapid maturation. They escaped the normal commercial pressure to turn the standard to favour any particular vendor In contrast, the industry consortia that were solving basically the same problem developed heavily patented telecommunications standards that created a captive market, dominated by incumbent telecommunications firms.
The term “microstandard” means, in this context, a free and open standard that is short (perhaps a dozen pages and certainly less than 100), developed by a small team, and part of a stack of free and open standards. In general microstandards can evolve faster thanks to rapid maturation-layering cycles; they can be more accurate (meaning: good solutions to real problems) thanks to review by a wider, more diverse community; and they can be cheaper to implement and use, thanks to simple, focused designs. However, these qualities do not guarantee success, and only a minority of potential microstandards are ever properly written down, published, shared, and built upon. If we were to count, we would find tens of thousands of potential microstandards worldwide, most of which never emerge from a niche: little scripting languages, data schemas, file formats, ad-hoc protocols, encodings, patterns, templates, and APIs. This informal economy is massive, but it is also massively inefficient. Most of these potential microstandards exist only as source code.
The vast bulk of these microstandards remain potential and local because their authors lack experience and economical tools for properly writing and maintaining standards. Doing so is just too hard and too costly. The inherent friction between innovation and standardisation has turned into a barrier against innovation in the standardisation process itself.
This has been my experience in three decades of software architecture and programming: where there could be tens of thousands of properly built microstandards, each clearly documented and published under standard licenses, we see barely dozens or hundreds. The standards process is in my view failing at the grass roots level, exactly where the FOSS economy needs it most of all.
Software standards have been the focus of conflict between smaller FOSS teams and larger established players, and these conflicts are starting to interfere with standards setting at the international level. The key case is the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) adoption, over several years, of two conflicting formats for office documents.
Standards War
“What now transpires is that [Microsoft] have hijacked the committee and are not only stepping outside the established procedures but are also working towards amending the standard in order to make it compatible with Office 7, rather than building or amending their Office Suite to be compliant with the ISO standard. Apparently, it's only through leaks the we can find out what's happening.”
Many people were left wondering if the traditional standards business could still represent the needs of the modern software industry or whether they were to be dominated by narrow but powerful individual corporate interests.
Standards processes appear to reflect their industry as a whole. The great shift over the last twenty years has been from traditional ways of making software to the collaborative approach of FOSS. It has become evident to many in the industry that FOSS is a better way to make software, producing more accurate solutions faster and cheaper than older closed source approaches. The difficult question is rather: "how do we make money when the software is free?"
For monopolists like Microsoft, the answer is to prevent the software from being free at all. This requires a number of mechanisms, including software patents, EM (original equipment manufacturer) licensing agreements, proprietary languages and frameworks, and arbitrary changes to key file formats, interfaces, and protocols. If governments and businesses insist on those being standardised, that requires control of the standardisation process. If governments and businesses insist on ISO standards, that eventually means controlling the relevant parts of ISO itself.
And so in early 2008 the unthinkable happened and Microsoft effectively took over parts of ISO, both directly and through proxies. Most national committees and the ISO secretariat were persuaded, bullied or otherwise encouraged to accept Microsoft's proposal with minimum changes as a formal international standard. The anti-Microsoft coalition was just as ready to use political influence and committee stuffing, but failed to appreciate the depths to which Microsoft was willing to go in order to save its Office monopoly.
Lessons from the Standards WarThe relevance of this case is as a record of how easy it was for a determined large firm with deep pockets to turn what had been an advantage for proponents of ISO certification of ODF into a direct liability. Since Microsoft now in effect controls ta sufficient number of national standards-setting organizations, it effectively controls ISO standards setting, and thus it controls ODF and is positioned to slowly strangle it.
Participants in the process (both in committees and outside) took home various conclusions from this dramatic series of events. Many decided that it was time to make peace with Microsoft. Others decided to create new institutions like the Open Web Foundation. Others, and especially the activist core of the NoOOXML.org campaign, came to the conclusion that ISO and other institutional processes had become irrelevant, if not actually distracting time wasters for standards engineers working on open standards, often pro-bono. For example, after years of work by participants around the world to get ISO approval of ODF as the standard for document formats, this very success may have spelt the death of ODF.
The activists, among them myself, realised that any standards-setting institution, including the W3C(World Wide Web Consortium) and IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), represents a target for determined corporate attacks of the kind we had witnessed during the document format standard-setting process within ISO. Ultimately, any process that depends on goodwill is vulnerable to hostile takeover.
The Effects of Vendor Capture
Kaufmann explains how patent licensing is used to create the cartels that dominate the European and American mobile phone markets:
In 1998, the ITSUG (International Telecommunications Standards, User Group) authored a complaint to the European Commission in which it summarized the GSM licensing problems in stating that the inability to acquire timely licenses coupled with the uncertainty of essentials lead to "costly and complex licensing negotiations" and "excessive cumulative royalty rates", thereby creating substantial transaction costs and high barriers to entry to the GSM market. In addition, the ITSUG alleged the existence of a "low/zero club for established European telecommunications players" while others have to pay royalties of up to 40% of the ex-works selling price".
Free and Open Standards
The "immunity from capture" analysis is key to Digistan's work. Many definitions of "open standard" work by defining properties of an open standard. This mixes symptom with cause. A standard may be open because it is not yet captured. Or it may be open because it cannot be captured. We need to express and measure its immunity from capture, not the consequences of "so far, so good". For example common term “open standards” is often stretched to include standards with “reasonable and non-discriminatory” (RAND) patent licensing conditions.
Standards have a lifecycle that often lasts many years. At various stages of the lifecycle, different tactics can be used to try to capture the standard. For example, a standard developed by a community, free to read and implement, can be trivially captured by a single patent, by a decision of a copyright holder to start charging for updates, or by an injection of complexity that makes it impossibly hard for independent vendors to implement.
We would argue that de-facto, any standard that affects a significant market will be subject to such capture attempts. In Digistan we therefore defined this new term, "Free and Open (Digital) Standard" to express this additional criteria. A free standard will be open, and continue to be open. A standard that is only “open” (now) is not necessarily free, nor open in the future.
The resonance with "free and open source" was not deliberate but it is accurate, and one could argue the same cause-and-effect relationship between "free" and "open" in software.
What makes a free standard? Here we diverge from conventional standardisation wisdom and take an idea that has been wildly successful in FOSS projects, where it plays an essential role in preventing certain forms of capture: the right to fork.
The Right to Fork
We realised that forking was a necessary right when studying the ways that a standard could be captured at different phases in its lifespan. It seemed a counter-intuitive proposal at first, and one that provoked extensive debate among the Digistan founders. Even a small, young standard exists because it is definitive. How can the right to fork make standards better? Surely it would result only in arbitrary, destructive variations?
Ultimately any specification must aim to be definitive and to get approval from a body like the IETF, but such approval may not be achieved for five or more years after the specification is documented and implemented. Our goal is to ensure that a specification survives those early years and gets ready for international certification unharmed and 'un-captured'.
There is a natural tension between experimentation and standardisation. These are often described as opposing processes. In fact, they are just different stages in a lifecycle. Early on, engineers must experiment in order to learn what the best solutions are. As they learn, they capture their growing body of knowledge as standards. Each standard, or stable version of a family of standards, encapsulates some layer of knowledge, freezes it, and creates a solid basis for constructing further layers.
Capturing one of these building blocks effectively captures everything that depends on it, much as buying a software company effectively buys the market for that software.In both cases, the right to fork is leverage that encourages good governance. If a firm that buys a FOSS project makes bad decisions, key developers and contributors fork the project, and walk away.
Here is a practical example of how the right to fork helps keep a standard open: firm A develops a standard in a lucrative new market. Firm B buys firm A and acquires the copyrights of the standard. It then creates a new version that is compatible with firm B's products, and not those of competitors. It uses patents to prevent competitors implementing that modified version of the standard except for a heavy fee. It uses copyright to prevent further modification of the standard to avoid the patented aspects. In effect, firm B has captured the market and everyone who built on the original standard faces the choice of stagnation, or the higher prices charged by firm B.
Now, in a second scenario, the standard was developed under a license guaranteeing the right to fork. When firm B buys firm A with the intention of controlling the market, other implementers fork the standard. They create a new version that bypasses the patents, and it is that modified version that is promoted to the market for adoption. Firm B has no mechanism with which to capture the market, so instead it competes with better products at lower costs or it is forced to conform to the forked standard.
GPL for Free and Open Standards
Using the GPL for a specifications text is unusual but we can make more sense of it if we imagine that a specification might often be a kind of software. For example, a specification may include an XML schema or a set of formally described methods and arguments. Many modern standards start to look like a mix of metadata and comments, and thus start to overlap with software source code.
To apply the GPLv3 to a specification, we state that the specification is "source code" and we ask that contributors license their work under the GPLv3. An alternative to the GPLv3 would be the Creative Commons Share-Alike 3.0 license but this lacks the GPLv3's provisions against software patent abuse. At the least, using the GPLv3 gives the right to anyone who feels they can "do better" to take the standard in question, improve it, and release their new specification. Although an untested speculation, use of GPLv3 may force vendors who have made silent extensions to publish their revised specifications.
Creating the Digital Standards Organization
When we started to build Digistan we decided to make a lightweight structure that would cost as little as possible to construct and to maintain. In practice this meant no legal entity, no formal membership, no formal elections or board. To create Digistan we used a number of email lists, based on a model we inherited from the FFII. There is an "eboard" (extended board), which takes the decisions. There is one additional list per project, plus a public discussion list. We also use a number of microsites (built using a wiki technology), which let us rapidly create homes for the various projects we wanted to start.
A Reusable Legal Framework
"This policy is specifically designed for a community with no centralizing legal entity. There are no transfers of copyright. Every contributor owns his/her work, in perpetuity, but grants a unilateral license for others to use and extend it under the conditions of the GPLv3."
The lack of a central legal entity means no formalities for contributors except a click-through acceptance of the IP policy. The text of the policy is also short at 1,400 words, since the bulk of the legal framework is provided by the GPLv3.
The core text of the policy reads:
"by submission of a work to this Website in the form of a Contribution, the Contributor merges their work with the Website, with or without other Contributions, to create a Derived Work, owned by the Contributor, the Operators, and any other Contributors. The Contributor agrees irrevocably to license this Derived Work under the License and the terms of this Policy. The Contributor retains all rights over their original work."
With respect to forking, the policy states:
"third parties may create Derived Works under the terms of the License. Derived Works may not contain misleading author, version, name of work, or endorsements. Software applications that implement specifications are not Derived Works and do not fall under the terms of the License. The use of a fragments of specification for purely illustrative purposes does not create a Derived Work."
With respect to patents, the policy states:
"to the extent that a Contributor or the organization he or she represents or is sponsored by (if any) has or acquires patent claims that would be necessarily infringed by a compliant implementation of any part of any Specification, they grant a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, world-wide right and license to the Community with respect to their patent claims for such purpose."
The policy assumes that a specification is developed within a microsite (website) and it classifies the entire website, along with associated email lists, irc channels, and other communication resources, as a "work". This means that when a contributor has agreed to the policy for a single website, that website can safely house many specification projects, and contributors can remix those as needed.
How COSS Works
•.Raw Specifications - all new specifications are raw specifications. Changes to raw specifications can be unilateral and arbitrary. Those seeking to implement a raw specification should ask for it to be made a draft specification. Raw specifications have no contractual weight.
•.Draft Specifications - when raw specifications can be demonstrated, they become draft specifications. Changes to draft specifications should be done in consultation with users. Draft specifications are contracts between the editors and implementers.
•.Stable Specifications - when draft specifications are used by third parties, they become stable specifications. Changes to stable specifications should be restricted to errata and clarifications. Stable specifications are contracts between editors, implementers, and end-users.
•.Legacy Specifications - when stable specifications are replaced by newer draft specifications, they become legacy specifications. Legacy specifications should not be changed except to indicate their replacements, if any. Legacy specifications are contracts between editors, implementers and end-users.
•.Retired Specifications - when legacy specifications are no longer used in products, they become retired specifications. Retired specifications are part of the historical record. They should not be changed except to indicate their replacements, if any. Retired specifications have no contractual weight.
•.Deleted Specifications - when raw or draft specifications are abandoned, they become deleted specifications. To change a deleted specification, the editor should first make it a raw specification again. Deleted specifications have no contractual weight.
What this lifecycle does is to formally define the contractual weight of any specification depending on its phase. Thus it is clear to all parties how much change they can expect, or conversely, make.
When it comes to editing a specification, we decided to restrict editing to a single person. COSS says, "a specification has a single responsible editor, who is the only person that can edit the text and change its status. A specification may also have additional contributors who work through the editor. The editor is responsible for accurately maintaining the state of specifications and for handling all comments on the specification." The theory is that restricting a specification to one editor encourages a divide-and-conquer approach,i.e., a large body of work will naturally break into pieces, one per expert, creating a more layered result. Anyone has the right to fork: a fork is considered a separate specification, with its own editor.
Finally, COSS resolves natural conflicts between teams and vendors by allowing anyone to define a new specification, remixing part or all of any existing specifications as desired. There is no editorial control process except that practised by the editor of a new specification. The administrators of a domain (moderators) may choose to interfere in editorial conflicts, and may suspend or ban individuals for behaviour they consider inappropriate.
Who decides what is an authoritative specification? In traditional consortia this is done by vote. But votes are easily manipulated. COSS rejects the notion of a single authoritative specification, favouring choice and competition instead. What this means is that we ask the market to choose on the assumption that, as competing specifications (if there are multiple choices) move through from experimentation to stability, implementers will agree on the best specification. In effect we trust implementers, driven by users, to decide what is authoritative. As COSS says, "specifications have no special status except that accorded by the community."
Use cases for COSS in Real Life
We've since used this template website in three further specification projects:
•.An experimental web protocol (BWTP), at http://bwtp.wikidot.com.
Today we're starting to promote COSS more widely.
Conclusions and further work
In this article we've examined the key role that free and open standards play in competition, particularly between smaller free and open source teams, and larger proprietary software businesses. We’ve looked at the history of standards development in the software world, and seen that traditional standards setting seems to be sub-optimal at best, and failing at worst. When powerful monopolies are threatened by new standards, they may go to great lengths to subvert those standards. When large firms work together to make new standards, they may protect these with patent pools that can keep prices inflated – legally – by many orders of magnitude.
Digistan has examined the causes of these failures and concluded that a successful free and open standard must be robust against “vendor capture” at all stages in its life-cycle. In other words, that standards can represent the economic interests of users rather than those of product suppliers. One of the key defence mechanisms against capture is “forkability,” i.e. the right for anyone to create a derived specification.
Further, Digistan has developed a set of tools - a legal framework and template website - that now allow any workgroup to create a home for specifications, in just a few minutes. The Digistan legal framework uses the GPLv3 as its default license but allows other licenses to be plugged in.
On top of this legal framework, we have built a standardised process - COSS - that gives implementers peace of mind when it comes to how much change they can expect in specifications. This lifecycle formally defines specifications as raw, draft, experimental, stable, legacy, or retired. Each state has different contractual weight.
Finally, COSS and the underlying legal framework need no centralising organization. They allow a fully distributed peer-reviewed specification process. Authors own their own work and license it for reuse by others. Final authority is delegated to the community, i.e. implementers and users who invest in specifications.
The Digistan eboard (founders) email list was instrumental in developing Digistan's legal framework, IP policy, and template web sites. Mark Webbink and Graeme West provided very helpful review comments and improvements to the article.
Pieter Hintjens is an expert in the creation of collaborative communities. He has 30 years of experience in the software business, starting his first company at the age of 18. He wrote his first GPL application, Libero, in 1991. He is past president of the FFII, which works for freedom of the software economy. As FFII president he organized the European Patent Conferences (EUPACO), the Digital Standards Organization, the European Software Market Association (Esoma), the Campaign for Ethical Patents, the NoOOXML.org campaign, and many smaller projects. He is also founder and CEO of iMatix Corporation, which builds the worlds' fastest free messaging software, ZeroMQ. He was the lead editor for AMQP (the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol), and for the RestMS web messaging protocol.
Licence and Attribution
This paper was published in the International Free and Open Source Software Law Review, Volume 2, Issue 1 (June 2010). It originally appeared online at http://www.ifosslr.org.
This article should be cited as follows:
Hintjens, Pieter (2010) 'Consensus-Oriented Specification System', IFOSS L. Rev., 2(1), pp 85 – 99
DOI: 10.5033/ifosslr.v2i1.32
Copyright © 2010 Pieter Hintjens.
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons UK (England and Wales) 2.0 licence, no derivative works, attribution, CC-BY-ND.
As a special exception, the author expressly permits faithful translations of the entire document into any language, provided that the resulting translation (which may include an attribution to the translator) is shared alike. This paragraph is part of the paper, and must be included when copying or translating the paper.
0The European Union Roaming Regulations, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1574981
0Intellectual Property in Broadband Mobile Telecommunications: Predictions on 4G WiMAX , http://www.frlicense.com/IntellectualPropertyinBroadbandMT.pdf
2“Android overtakes Apple in US smartphone market”, http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2010/05/android-overtakes-apple-in-us-smartphone-market.ars
13The European Union Roaming Regulations, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1574981
14Intellectual Property in Broadband Mobile Telecommunications: Predictions on 4G WiMAX , http://www.frlicense.com/IntellectualPropertyinBroadbandMT.pdf